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Flex Fundraising: For Dancers, Too!
Should the arts be left out of fundraising efforts? Absolutely not. Flex Fundraising is proud to be tied to many competitive sports, and we’re proud to sponsor the arts as well. When it comes to dancing, it’s an art and a sport! Let’s take a look into Jazz’n Place Dance Studio in Lehi, Utah. Jazz’n […]

Why You Should Let Your Kids Try Sports
Kids are incredible. They’re brave, they’re adventurous, and they want nothing more than to explore the world and see what’s out there. I’m surrounded by tons of nieces and nephews and it’s been awesome to see them get excited about new activities and things to try. I’m not child psychologist, but I would bet big […]

Little League Coaches and Fundraising
Little league coaches are underrated. Think about the time, the effort, sometimes even the PERSONAL cash coaches put into their little league teams. It’s incredible. And why, exactly, do they do it? They could be doing it for the simple love of the game, or the fact that their child is on the team and […]

How an Elementary School Raised $14,000 with Flex Fundraising
Do you remember your elementary school teachers? We have lots of respect for the teachers of the world here at Flex Fundraising. Teaching is certainly not an easy profession–spending time with some high energy kiddos can quickly become exhausting! When I think back on my days of elementary school, I marvel at how Mrs. Church […]

Tips on How to Use Incentives in Your 2022 Fundraiser
Think about something that you worked hard for. Was it training for a marathon? Getting a promotion at your job? Picking up an instrument and learning to play? Beating your personal challenge of making ten free throws in a row? When people are working towards something, they’re putting time, effort, and emotion towards a massive […]

How to Use a Major Reward in Fundraising
I would be surprised if anyone gets super excited about fundraising. All the times I was essentially forced to fundraise throughout sports, school events, scouting programs, etc. led me to believe that there was nothing cool about fundraising. What I’ve learned, however, is that many of these fundraising events made it really tough to feel […]

Top 5 Tips for Sharing your Fundraiser
Are you currently stuck doing a fundraiser? I don’t think there’s anyone in this world who likes to fundraise. The beginning idea of it is fun (pun intended)–you have big hopes and dreams of all the cash you’ll be bringing in for your group. Then a couple days roll by, you find yourself NOT bringing […]

Perry Football Raises $98,000 Through Flex Fundraising
A high school football coach has dozens of things to worry about throughout the year. Before the Friday night lights illuminate up the brilliant stadiums filled with thousands of excited fans, the school and its coaches need to put in a great amount of work to make those games happen. Along with getting a […]

Pros and Cons to Various Fundraising Methods
What fits your program best? We have all spent hours fundraising. Whether it was knocking doors selling products, a walk-a-thon or an online platform, they all had their pros and cons. Here, we will evaluate the advantages of each to help you decide what is best for your program best. Door-to-door/product based sales: This is […]