Little League Coaches and Fundraising

Little league coaches are underrated. Think about the time, the effort, sometimes even the PERSONAL cash coaches put into their little league teams. It’s incredible. And why, exactly, do they do it? They could be doing it for the simple love of the game, or the fact that their child is on the team and they want to spend more time with them. In between coaching and organizing and running a team, coaches are often helpless when it comes to fundraising.

Why exactly do little league coaches need to fundraising? There could be a few reasons.

  • Raising money for new uniforms. Kids normally won’t complain too much about what they’re wearing for games, but it is certainly nice to have some nicer uniforms. Makes getting them dirty all the more fun!
  • If the team is invited to a local or distant tournament, they may need some money to participate, travel, hotels, etc.
  • Teams are often responsible for raising some money to pay the league so that the league can keep their fields nice, get new equipment when needed, pay umpires or onsite workers, etc.
  • Teams want their fans to be able to dress with the team! Raising money for fundraisers can get proud parents, siblings and friends some shirts with the team name, logo, and their name on the back!

Take all of these points and try to understand how tough it is for a coach to balance all of these things. Not only are they running a team out of their own good will for no pay, they’re spending this time outside of their normal work and personal life schedules. Pretty incredible. When you need to add fundraising to the already complex equation of everything else coaches need to do, it often gets put to the bottom of the “to do” list. It’s likely the last thing that coaches want to worry about. They’re busy helping a team learn to play the sport and compete!

The kids that make up the team and simply want to play the sport might not be super enthusiastic about the idea of fundraising. When I was a kid, I had to stand in front of a Kroger’s and sell these crappy chocolate bars for $5 a piece. Some kids might be a little more into sales at the tender age of 8, but I and most of my teammates were not one of them. It’s pretty intimidating to stop strangers in their tracks and bother them with mediocre chocolate covered nougat.

We at Flex Fundraising want to help alleviate the pain of fundraising for these coaches that are already donating so much of their time and effort to a team who needs him/her.

If you are currently running a little league team or know someone who is, be sure to point them in our direction. At Flex Fundraising, we do everything we can to take away all of the stress that comes when running a fundraiser. Our platform makes it simple to get biggest return as you’ll do the least amount of work ever before in a fundraiser. Come see how we can help you out today!